Rotary Club of Toowoomba South Inc.

Previous Projects

Since we were Chartered in 1959 the Rotary Club of Toowoomba South has undertaken numerous Community Service projects, both here and overseas, raising much needed funds for worthwhile local and international causes. Information on previous projects can be found in the History section of our website.

Students from the Toowoomba Grammar School Interact Club

Rotary Youth

For many years The Rotary Club of Toowoomba South has been involved with several Internationally affiliated Rotary Youth projects, including RYDA, RYPEN, NYSF and other Rotary Youth programs and has sponsored several local youth programs, including direct involvement with the Interact Clubs of three of the Toowoomba High Schools, Toowoomba Grammar School, St Joseph's College and Centennary Heights High School.

The Rotary Club of Toowoomba South actively supports the following Youth programs.


National Youth Science Forum 

Rotaract Australia | Interact Clubs | Rotary Youth Exchange

RYDA Program

Road Safety Education Limited (RSE) is a not for profit organisation committed to providing evidence-based road safety education that supports the development of a road safety culture across the generations.

At the heart of our programs lies RYDA – a school partnership which supports teachers on the journey as they provide their students with the tools and understanding they need to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens.  RYDA features a highly engaging and memorable one-day workshop which front-loads students’ understanding of road safety and gives them the tools, habits and motivation to take action and stay safe on our roads a both drivers and passengers throughout their lives.

Read the full story on our RYDA Program Page

Getting instruction at the RYDA Stopping Distances session in April 2017

The first Rotary & River 94.9 Breakfast Kick-start was held at the Harlaxton State School - Feb 2020

Kick Start Breakfasts

We’ve all heard the stories of kids turning up to school each day without having had any breakfast, and there has been all sorts of reasons put forward for why this is happening, but one of our Edge Members, Rob Keanalley, thought it was time somebody tried to do something about it.

In an initiative supported by River 949 Radio Station, who have agreed to promote the events on radio the week prior to the breakfast and do live crosses on the day of the breakfast as well as attending with their promotions vehicle for giveaways when they can, Rob has rallied other members of the club to help him visit one Toowoomba based State School per month and cook up a breakfast for their students, parents, teachers and staff at the School. 

Picture left: The first Breakfast Kick-Start was staffed by Edge Members Rob Keanalley, Sue Hills, Leroy Palmer, Michelle Wiersma, Tressa Lindenberg, and Brian Alderton. 

Pride of Workmanship Awards

Dedicated workers celebrated

ST ANDREWS Toowoomba Hospital was a little 40-bed operation when Kenn Zerner began work there as a gardener in 1982.

Looking at a photo of the place taken after he joined the staff, Mr Zerner mused the hospital had "changed quite considerably" since then.

And so has Mr Zerner, who over his 37-year career with the hospital has risen through the ranks to become the engineering services manager at St Andrew's.

For his commitment, knowledge and dedication to his place of work, Mr Zerner was one of II employees from a number of Toowoomba businesses recognised with a Rotary Club of Toowoomba South Pride of Workmanship award recently. The awards give Toowoomba businesses the opportunity to celebrate the outstanding commitment and service of an employee or employees.

"It was unexpected, but it's very humbling." Mr Zerner said

This year’s recipients were Leanne Baxter from T.S. Burstow Funerals, Bernadette Kavney from Hannas Toowoomba, Dominique Grams from Toowoomba Regional Council, Larissa Sorley from CLO Lawyers, Shelley Heseltine from Blue Care, Duaine Moore from Pengelly Trucks and Trailers, Yvonne Hayes from Sovereign Property Partners. Karen Muirden, Olivia Swain and Rhiannon Graham from Jazzy Lane Hair Studio, and Mr Zerner.

Event coordinator Peter Wenham thanked Burstows for their sponsorship of the awards, and wished recipients all the best in their future.

BEST IN BUSINESS: Celebrating the Rotary Club of Toowoomba South’s Pride of Workmanship Awards are (back, from left) event organiser Peter Wenham, with recipients Duaine Moore, Kenn Zerner, Dominique Grams, Yvonne Hayes, Larissa Sorley, Leanne Baxter, MC Kevin Howarth, (front, from left) Shelley Heseltine, Rhiannon Graham, Olivia Swain, and Karen Muirden. 

Photos from the evening are available in the Club's Google Photos Albums.

All smiles at the finish line in 2017

The Milne Bay Military Challenge

Our major Community Service project, the Milne Bay Military Challenge  is an annual event that raises funds to help our local community.  

The community trail race takes place at Toowoomba’s Redwood and Jubliee Parks each year and is a must for those wanting to set the best record, or for those just looking to have some fun.  

It is a fantastic community event where participants can enjoy the breathtaking views of the range and valley, and feel great about helping out our local community.

The Milne Bay Military Challenge event is hosted by Rotary Club of Toowoomba South and it’s Satellite Club, The Edge and sponsored by Hutchinson Builders.

Other Projects

Information on other projects currently undertaken by our Club can be found by exploring some of the links in the Sub Pages Menu Bar (above) , as well as the Project Reports on our Home Page, or by following us on Facebook and the Club Blog using the links below.

Rotary Club of Toowoomba South - Blogger  |  Rotary Club of Toowoomba South - Facebook